首页 关于如何学习如何学习编程的一些建议(译文)



我在 28 年的漫长生活中学习了很多方面的知识,而且我希望将来能做很多事情。

能够学习新技能至关重要,特别是在我工作的科技行业。在过去几年中,一些编程训练营和MOOC 平台增加了,并且随之而来的是学习编码的人数。有很多“初学者”经常不知道从哪里开始。哪种学习方法可以使用,哪些资源,哪里可以得到帮助。因此,在本文中,我将分享我的建议,这些建议基于我的教育经历,工作经验以及我在技术社区的经历。

1. 选择您想要学习的技术

有很多编程语言,Web 框架,数据库……。在那里。选择你想要学习的东西很重要。决定应该基于您想要做什么样的技术工作(后端Web开发人员,前端Web开发人员,数据科学家,开发人员……)。对于每种工作类型,都有一些流行的技术。如果你是初学者,我建议选择一些流行的编程语言(例如,对于web来说它是Ruby)。原因是一个大社区创建了很多教程,StackOverflow智慧并且有很多工作。

我的美食博客的Ruby on Rails代码示例

2. 选择合适的资源


我在研究Ruby on Rails时使用的资源

3. 制定学习计划

决定你的日程安排中你将用于学习的时间。我个人每天在工作中学习(通过阅读文章,观看MOOC,阅读书籍),周日下午我会学习与机器学习等非工作相关的事情。即使您的日程安排繁忙,您也可以在一周中找到一些时间来专注于您的目标。清晨,晚餐后,周末 - 选择最适合自己的方式。但是提出一个计划并坚持下去很重要。

4. 确保良好的学习环境


5. 保持积极的心态



6. 做笔记

自小学以来我一直在学习时写笔记。例如,我会用自己的语言阅读书中的演示文稿和课程,并在笔记本中提取最重要的内容。然后我会在上下班或修改考试时重新阅读这些笔记。就像着名的拉丁谚语所说的那样,重复主义者。如今我不再使用笔记本而是Google Docs。我有一个文件,我正在研究的每一项技术。当我读/听到重要或有用的东西时,我会在相应的文件中注明。例如,在阅读书籍或观看MOOC时。当我有时间或需要更新我对该特定技术的知识时,我会重新阅读这些注释。


7. 与社区联系

meetup.com 上有很多技术聚会。选择您感兴趣的并与您所在社区的人会面。聚会包括会谈,您可以在其中学习构建网络的内容和网络。还有一些聚会有Slack频道,所以你可以提出问题,如果你遇到一些问题,看工作发布等。我是这个概念的忠实粉丝,因为通过聚会,我结识了很多朋友并扩展了我的网络和知识。最后一件事 - 如果你想被招募,聚会很棒;)

8. 最重要的是不要忘记编码!

学习编程的一个不可或缺的部分实际上就是编程。因此,通过解决kata(我最喜欢的网站是HackerRank,Exercism和CodeWars)以及做个人项目,练习你在这些书籍和教程中学到的知识。理想情况下,它会让您感兴趣。这样你就会更有动力去做。当我还是一名大三学生时,我在Ruby on Rails上做了一个美食博客,它帮助我更快地学习。此外,作为初学者,你没有很多经验可以放入你的简历,个人项目可以是一个很好的替代品。


原文My advice on how to learn programming technologies

I did a lot of studying in my 28-year long life. And I expect to do a lot in the future. Being able to learn new skills is crucial, especially in the tech industry, where I work. Over the past few years a number of programming bootcamps and MOOC platforms increased, and with them the number of people that are learning to code. There are a lot of “beginners” that often don’t know where to begin. Which studying methods to use, which resources, where to get help. So in this article I’ll share my advice that are a result of my education, my work

experience and my membership in the tech community.

1. Choose the technologies you want to learn

There are a lot of programming languages, web frameworks, databases… out there. It’s important to pick the ones you want to learn. The decision should be based on what kind of a tech job you want to do (backend web developer, frontend web developer, data scientist, dev ops…). For each job type there are some popular technologies. If you’re a beginner, I’d advise choosing some popular programming language (for example, for web it’s Ruby). The reasons are a big community that created a lot of tutorials, StackOverflow wisdom and there are a lot of jobs.

2. Choose the right resources

It’s essential to find the best books, online courses and tutorials out there. Because studying takes time and why waste your time on poor material? To find the good studying material, Google it or ask around. I definitely recommend reading books because they explain concepts in a form of a story and often in bigger depth than online courses. Also it looks good in your CV if you mention that you’ve read some programming books.

Resources I used when I was studying Ruby on Rails

3. Make a studying plan

Decide which time in your schedule you’ll dedicate to studying. Personally I study everyday at work (by reading articles, watching MOOCs, reading books) and on Sundays afternoon I study non-work-related things like machine learning. Even if you have a busy schedule, you can always find some hours in your week to dedicate to your goal. Early in the morning, after dinner, on the weekends — choose what works best for you. But it’s important to come up with a plan and stick to it.

4. Ensure a good studying environment

Concentration is key when it comes to studying. So make sure nothing can interrupt you while you’re doing it. That means putting your phone aside, not checking Facebook and email… My ideal studying “env” is to be alone in a room.

5. Maintain a positive mindset

At the very beginning of your studying journey you will likely feel a bit insecure or afraid. But those negative emotions will serve you no good. Instead you should ignore them and “just do it”. After some time, when you see the first results, you’ll become more motivated to continue. Chances are you’ll get hooked on programming quickly and the fear will disappear and be replaced with passion.

Also, always keep in mind why you’re doing it. Is it to have a more interesting, better payed job? To become a freelancer and work remotely from anywhere in the world? Visualise the final result and it will motivate you to keep on studying.

6. Make notes

Ever since elementary school I wrote notes while studying. For example, I’d read the presentations and the lessons in books and extract the most important things in my notebook, in my own words. Then I would re-read those notes while doing commute or while revising for the exam. Like the famous Latin proverb says, repetitio est mater studiorum. Nowadays I no longer use notebooks but Google Docs. I have a file for every technology I’m studying. When I read/hear something important or useful, I note it in the corresponding file. For example, when reading a book or watching a MOOC. I re-read those notes when I have time or need to refresh my knowledge of that particular technology.

My Computer Science studying notes. This was about state machines and if you’re wondering, the language is Croatian.

7. Connect with the community

There are a ton of tech meetups on meetup.com. Choose the ones that interest you and go meet the people from your community. The meetups include talks where you can learn stuff and networking where you build your network. Also some meetups have Slack channels so you can ask questions if you’re stuck with some problem, see job postings etc. I am a big fan of the concept since through meetups I made a lot of friends and expanded my network and knowledge. One last thing — meetups are great if you want to be recruited ;)

8. …and don’t forget to code!

An indispensable part of studying programming is actually programming. So practice what you learned in those books and tutorials by solving kata (my favourite sites are HackerRank, Exercism and CodeWars) and by doing a personal project. Ideally it will be something that interests you. That way you’ll be more motivated to do it. When I was a junior, I did a food blog in Ruby on Rails and it helped me to learn faster. Also since as a beginner you don’t have a lot of experiences to put in your CV, personal projects can be a good substitute.

That was my advice for studying programming (but some of them can be applied to other domains too). I hope they will be of some help!

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